Refund policy

What is our Returns and Refunds policy?

At Seekheart,we're not happy unless you are,which is why we offer a 90 day returns policy. We also offer a 180 day product guarantee.

About canceling orders

1. To cancel your order, please contact us within 24 hours of your purchase for a free cancellation.

2. In most cases, your order will be processed and shipped the same day. Therefore, there is almost no way to cancel an order once it has been submitted.

3. If the order could not be canceled and you really do not need it anymore, please try to decline the package. If you are unable to decline the package, please follow the return policy.

4. After we refund you, it will take 3-7 business days to receive your refund, depending on your bank's transfer process.

    Return Policy

    1. Return of Unopened Merchandise

    (1). Due to the sensitive nature of the products we sell, we only accept returns of unopened items with intact packaging and labels.
    (2). Once a product's packaging is opened, it is considered used and cannot be returned unless defective.
    (3). If a customer intends to return a product, they need to provide pictures of the unopened packaging via email within 90 days of purchase. Once we confirm the status of the package, we will provide the customer with the return address. The return shipping cost is the customer's responsibility.
    (4). We may require up to 3-4 weeks to receive and process your return. If you have any questions about the return status at any time, you can contact us at
    (5). The above applies to, but is not limited to, the following scenarios:
    • Repeated orders due to operational errors.
    • Returns due to change of mind.
    • Returns due to purchasing the wrong item.
    • Returns based on pricing.

        2. Regarding Receiving Incorrect Products

        (1). If you believe you have received the wrong item from us, please contact us within 90 days of purchase and provide the following information:

          • Pictures of the shipping label (located on the packaging).
          • Pictures showing the SKU on the product's plastic packaging.
          • Pictures of the entire packaging and product.

            3. Regarding Receiving Defective Products

            (1). If you discover any defects in the product within 90 days of purchase, please contact us at and provide the following information:

              • Order number, SKU of the defective product, brief description of the issue.
              • Pictures or videos demonstrating the issue with the product. Once the issue is confirmed, we will replace the product with the same model or one of equal value.

                (2). Before reporting the issue, please ensure the following:

                • Was the product fully charged before testing? Did you press and hold the power button for about 3-5 seconds to turn on the product?
                • For vibrators and remote-controlled products, did you turn on the product before using the remote control? Have you checked the batteries in the remote control?
                • Have you consulted the product's user manual?
                • All products on our website should not be used while charging.

                  4. Regarding Lost or Returned Packages

                  (1). If the package has been successfully delivered to the destination address but you have not received it, no refund will be issued.
                  (2). If the package is lost during transit, we will resend the same item.
                  (3). If the package is delivered to the wrong address, we will resend the same item.
                  (4). If the package is returned due to address issues or the customer's failure to collect it in a timely manner, we will resend the same item and charge a $6.99 shipping fee.
                  (5). Returns or exchanges due to force majeure factors, such as customs returns or unexplained returns by the postal service, will result in the same item being resent. For all detailed information, please message our customer service department within 30 days of purchase to confirm.

                  5. Issues with Returns of High-Value Products

                  (1). If your order total is $500 or more, we will charge a processing fee of 20% of the order total. This applies to, but is not limited to, the following scenarios:

                  • Canceling the entire order.
                  • Returning unopened products.
                  • For other situations, please contact us at

                  (2). Orders costing less than $500 are exempt from processing fees. 

                  • Returning unopened products.
                  • Canceling the order: Full refund. 
                  • For other situations, please contact us at

                  (3). If you are purchasing a high-value product (amount exceeding $500), please record a video demonstrating the process of opening the packaging. If there are any issues with the product, please contact us at and send this video to our customer service department for verification.

                  6. If the above solution still does not solve your problem, please contact our customer service team. Enjoy a perfect after-sales policy! 

                  Email: (Reply within 24h on weekdays, and reschedule to the next business day on weekends or holidays.)